Sara J Fitness


Fitness isn’t a fad, it’s a way of life…

Finding balance with health and fitness can be impossible these days. We are so inundated with information about the newest health fads and diets, which supplements to take, whether to fast or not…Believe me, I get it! It has taken me almost 20 years of trial and error, of listening to people smarter than me, of taking my clinical knowledge as a nurse and dealing with my own health issues to figure some things out. What every obstacle and phase of life, from pregnancy to entering my forties has taught me is that our health is not only important, but an ever-evolving complex thing that requires more than just doing the occasional workout or following whatever diet happens to be trending. It requires intuition, flexibility and most of all consistency. Together we can get there, because nobody should have to do this alone.

Diet & Nutrition Counseling

Receive collaborative insights into various dietary metrics and unique nutrition recommendations based on your body’s specific needs. Meal plans upon request.

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In-person or virtual training

One-on-one personal training focused on muscle building and strength training, mobility, balance, injury prevention and overall body harmony. Virtual option available as well as tailored workout plans.

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Lifestyle Collaboration

The often overlooked health factor, lifestyle, can play a key role in the success or failure of what we do in the kitchen or in the gym. Things such as sleep or stress can significantly impact our physical health, but also our mental and emotional health. It can impact our hormones, lead to irritability, fatigue, blood sugar imbalances and ultimately affect our relationships, work… Receive assessments and insights into where improvements can be made, recommendations for managing them, and how to live a balanced, healthy, happy life day-to-day.

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